Go Girls!!!

What a day it was! The group was graduating from High School. Very excited and happy that their school days are over. Now they will be stepping into a new world called "College". Little nervous as well. "Where am I going to get such a wonderful friends? This is it!!!
Yes!! I can...
This is the last time we all are together..Who knows where we will be heading up to in life... Amy will be joining Business program in Tuscan, AZ and Susan will pursue medicine in UCLA... I am not even sure what I will be doing...Ohh!!! I wish I could hold back to this time forever..."
May their future be as colorful and bright as this photo!!
Looking up to the future!!!

Today we created a fun filled lifetime memory that we are gonna cherish throughout our life... no matter where we will be, we will always be together!!!
Wanna climb the ladder of Success!!!

Did this session bring you back to your sweet old times??? I too had great time and fun doing this session as much as the girls enjoyed. Wish them all the best!!!