The Need of Masjid in a community
A Masjid in a community occupies the place just like a heart in the human body. As long as the heart beats, a man can not die. The Masjid is a place where believers are taught their faith, uplift the spirit and balance their social and religious life.
In order to achieve these goals we are laying the foundation for building a Masjid and Islamic center in Frisco. Insha Allah, this establishment will be a nerve center for the community with special attraction of youth and a community center that will cater the needs of the people of all ages.
Allah SWT demanded from us to take initiative and do something for the pleasure of Allah. The Holy Qur’an praised those who take initiative and become pioneers:
“And the forerunners (in faith and action) will be forerunners in the Hereafter. On that day they will be nearest to God”. (56:10-11, Surah Al-Waqi’ah)
Tonight, you may have a question; “Who will take initiative? The answer would be very simple. Each one of us should say “I will do it, I will do it”.
Allah SWT announces:
“And say (to the faithful): Do Work, soon Allah will observe your work, and His Apostle, and the believers”. (9:105 Surah At-Tawbah)
Dr. Zafar Ali Anjum - Imam Frisco Masjid
Alhamdolillah, our community has accomplished so much in such a short time, expansion of the Mussallah to hiring of a so well known and respected Imam. Our Imam’s arrival has really given us an instant credibility as an organization.
Our robust Nazirah program and the Sunday school are providing a much needed service. It is because of these developments that, Alhamdo-lillah our community was motivated to purchase the land and break ground for the new Masjid.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, now it is up to you how soon we complete this project. This will only be possible by painful sacrifices by each one of us. The choices you make tonight will determine how willing you are to make those sacrifices. I am sure you will make the right choice that will serve you well here and in the here-after. Jazakum Allahu Khairyn.
Abdul Hadi Khan