Steve Jobs
Remembering Steve Jobs
We here at Bombay are all saddened by the loss, and our thoughts go out to Steve's family and friends... remembers the innovation, the vision and the dedication to excellence exuded by Steve Jobs. In his passing, we are reflecting on the way he changed the computer and technology world. Steve was the inspiration . His drive to push technology to its limits was communicable, and We just wanted to honor Steve
He was a great self-teacher. He taught him self to write code, act fearlessly, promote, brand, spot talent, hire well (after plenty of early misfires), even to delegate (although it went against his deeper instincts). From 1997, when he re-entered Apple, he was the complete CEO, the best one of his generation.We had a long relationship with Apple products. My first computer was an Apple IIe in 1989. We’ve always had Macs in our house.
I'm putting this post together from an airport. Steve Jobs has changed the life of every single photographer in some way. I am not overstating this, because if it weren't for Apple Inc,and I was actually thinking before the iPhone event about how grateful I am for what Steve contributed to the world.
Steve Jobs, 1955-2011. That was a most impressive dash.