Las Colinas, Mandalay Canal
Last Week I had the pleasure of photographing Iffat and Juby in Las Colinas. It’s not every day that I get chance to photograph one of the most beautiful and intimate affiars! During the photos session they were not only sweet and thoughtful, they really inspired us to upgrade our website and our blog. Because of their motivation and love we are upgrading our blog. Thanks to Iffat and Juby.


They were very helpful and co-operative during the shoot. Even the ever changing Texas weather supported us with the perfect weather that anybody could only dream for. Hard work of five photographers as well as the creative ideas from the couple really aspire us to snap some really amazing and natural pictures. I had real tough time choosing the top pictures for the blog.
Iffat and Juby, Thank you very much for such a nice experience working with you guys. I just cant wait for your wedding in June.
Here are the E-session Videos.
E-Session Video #1
E-Session Video #2
Mashah-allah Dude.. you guys look good together! Congrats.